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Tudo sobre Warface Brasil - O novo Jogo da LUG - Crytek - trion worlds - Download - jogo - baixar - dicas - gameplay - beta - skins - Mapas - Erros - Dicas - BR - baixaki - Brasil - trion worlds

sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2012

Warface Crytek : Trion Worlds will publish the game in 2013 - Launch

That's right guys, Trion Worlds will be to publish the game in America, NA Warface's coming and the worm will catch, it seems to me that preparations for the NA CBT are close, the company even has a page on its site dedicated to the game, the great popularity of the game has been happening around the world, you can speed this release in American lands.

See the translation of the text that is on the game page on the website of Trion:

From the makers of Far Cry and Crysis ® ™ comes Warface ®, a new first-person shooter that combines intense campaign co-op and online multiplayer action in an explosive package. Assemble your team and perform daily challenges of campaign or test their skills in six different multiplayer modes of the game with dozens of unique maps. Take to the battlefield with confidence knowing that you are equipped for any situation in real-time combat, weapon customization, allowing you to modify your weapons on the fly.

Warface brings you fast action and stunning visual effects of CryENGINE ® 3 absolutely FREE with no obligation, credit card or payment required.

Now we can only wait, this beautiful game be released in the U.S., meanwhile I'm playing with the guys from the Russian version.

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